Mikeandmolly Wiki
Careful What You Dig For
Season 4, Episode 4
Air date November 25, 2013
Written by Chuck Lorre & Al Higgins (Story), Mark Gross & Carla Filisha & Brian Keith Etheridge (Teleplay)
Directed by Phill Lewis
Episode guide
Previous Sex and Death
Next Poker in the Front, Looker in the Back

Careful What You Dig For is the fourth episode of the fourth season and the seventy-first episode overall of Mike & Molly, which was aired on November 25, 2013.


Molly meets her literary idol, J.C. Small is a cynic who advises her to write about things in her life that she wouldn't want people to know. Meanwhile, Mike invites his mother to dinner for Thanksgiving in an effort to cheer her up.


Main Characters[]

Minor Characters[]

  • Cleo King as Rosetta
  • Susan Sarandon as J.C. Small
  • Suzie Q as Jim



  v - e - dMike & Molly Season 4
Molly UnleashedThe First and Last Ride-AlongSex and DeathCareful What You Dig ForPoker in the Front, Looker in the BackShoeless Molly FlynnThey Shoot Asses, Don't They?What Molly Hath WroughtMike & Molly's Excellent AdventureWeekend at Peggy'sDips & SalsaMind Over MollyOpen Mike NightRich Man, Poor GirlThree Girls and an UrnThe Dice Lady ComethMcMillan and MomMike's Manifold DestinyWho's Afraid of J.C. Small?Sex, Lies and HelicoptersThis Old PeggyEight Is Enough