Mikeandmolly Wiki
Checkpoint Joyce
Season 5, Episode 10
Air date February 16, 2015
Written by Al Higgins & Mark Gross (Story), Julie Bean & Aaron Vaccaro & Marla Dumont (Teleplay)
Directed by Victor Gonzalez
Episode guide
Previous Hack to the Future
Next Immaculate Deception

Checkpoint Joyce is the tenth episode of the fifth season and the one hundred-second episode overall of Mike & Molly, which was aired on February 16, 2015.


While Mike and Carl are working a drunk driving checkpoint, Joyce pulls up. Mike intends to let her through after she answers a few questions, but she is belligerent and insulting so he hauls her into the station. After a few members of the household suggest to Joyce that she cut back on her drinking, she lashes out and insists that they all give up their various vices, before she finally approaches both the situation and Mike with some maturity.


Main Characters[]

Minor Characters[]



  v - e - dMike & Molly Season 5
The Book of MollyTo Have and WithholdTis the Season to Be MollyGone CheatinMolly's Neverending StoryThe Last Temptation of MikeSupport Your Local SamuelMike CheckHack to the FutureCheckpoint JoyceImmaculate DeceptionThe World According to PeggyBuy the BookWhat Ever Happened to Baby Peggy?Pie FightCocktails and CalamineMudlick or BustNo Kay MoraleMother From Another MudlickFight to the FinishNear Death Do Us PartThe Bitter Man and the Sea