Mikeandmolly Wiki
Peg O'My Heart Attack
Season 6, Episode 3
Air date January 20, 2016
U.S. viewers 8.45
Written by Al Higgins & Chuck Lorre (Story), Carla Filisha & Bill Daly & Brian Keith Etheridge (Teleplay)
Directed by Michael McDonald
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Previous One Small Step for Mike
Next Super Cop

Peg O'My Heart Attack is the third episode of the sixth season and the one hundred-seventeenth episode overall of Mike & Molly which was aired on January 20, 2016.


Peggy invites Molly to join her for a post-book trip, but Molly's usual coldness towards the idea results in an argument where Molly says how terrible Peggy is but then leads to Peggy having a heart attack. Mike sides with his mother in her dispute with Molly and points out that she's always been negative and mocking towards Peggy. Molly admits she loves Peggy, and Peggy later tells Molly that she was not responsible for her heart attack but didn't understand why Molly didn't consider her a friend by now. Molly then confirms that she is Peggy's friend.


Main Characters[]

Minor Characters[]



  v - e - dMike & Molly Season 6
Cops on the RocksOne Small Step for MikePeg O'My Heart AttackSuper CopJoyce's Will Be DoneThe Good WifeWeekend With BridieThe Wreck of the Vincent MorantoBaby, Please Don't GoBaby BumpThe Adoption OptionCurse of the BambinoI See Love