Mikeandmolly Wiki
Super Cop
Season 6, Episode 4
Air date January 27, 2016
U.S. viewers 8.45
Written by Al Higgins & Bill Daly (Story), Brian Keith Etheridge & Rob DesHotel & Michael Glouberman (Teleplay)
Directed by Michael McDonald
Episode guide
Previous Peg O'My Heart Attack
Next Joyce's Will Be Done

Super Cop is the fourth episode of the sixth season and the one hundred-eighteenth episode overall of Mike & Molly which was aired on January 27, 2016.


After getting his wallet stolen while taking a nap on patrol with Carl, Mike decides to heighten his enforcement of the law. However, when his new-found attitude takes a toll on those around him (especially Carl, who is disturbed that Mike now is embraced by the precinct's hard-line cops whom they both previously did not see eye to eye with) Molly must find a way to convert her husband back to his former self.


Main Characters[]

Minor Characters[]



  v - e - dMike & Molly Season 6
Cops on the RocksOne Small Step for MikePeg O'My Heart AttackSuper CopJoyce's Will Be DoneThe Good WifeWeekend With BridieThe Wreck of the Vincent MorantoBaby, Please Don't GoBaby BumpThe Adoption OptionCurse of the BambinoI See Love