Mikeandmolly Wiki
What Molly Hath Wrought
Season 4, Episode 8
Air date January 13, 2014
Written by Chuck Lorre & Al Higgins (Story), Brian Keith Etheridge & Bill Daly & Julie Bean (Teleplay)
Directed by Stephen Prime
Episode guide
Previous They Shoot Asses, Don't They?
Next Mike & Molly's Excellent Adventure

What Molly Hath Wrought is the eighth episode of the fourth season and the seventy-eighth episode overall of Mike & Molly, which was aired on January 13, 2014.


Frustrated with the progress and content of her novel, Molly decides to take a break from writing and accepts a job as a forklift driver at Vince's warehouse, with mixed results.


Main Characters[]

Minor Characters[]

  • Michele Nordin as Ms. Tierney



  v - e - dMike & Molly Season 4
Molly UnleashedThe First and Last Ride-AlongSex and DeathCareful What You Dig ForPoker in the Front, Looker in the BackShoeless Molly FlynnThey Shoot Asses, Don't They?What Molly Hath WroughtMike & Molly's Excellent AdventureWeekend at Peggy'sDips & SalsaMind Over MollyOpen Mike NightRich Man, Poor GirlThree Girls and an UrnThe Dice Lady ComethMcMillan and MomMike's Manifold DestinyWho's Afraid of J.C. Small?Sex, Lies and HelicoptersThis Old PeggyEight Is Enough